Enroute – great ideas for excursions

“Dialogue en Route” invites and is aimed primarily at schools. Mission: Discover the religious and cultural diversity of Switzerland, visit sites and routes that testify to the past and present.

History comes to life with the routes. The goal is always to meet. Authenticity that enriches. There is accompanying material for teachers. Route providers are checked in a process and guidelines apply. Respectful togetherness, respect for human rights and good togetherness.

The initiative is broadly based and is aimed primarily at schools. But also individual travelers can book the offer. The website provides lots of ideas for taking a look behind the scenes in Switzerland. I became aware of Enroute during a visit to the Museum for Communication in Bern.

The heart of the idea are the travel guides, which are used everywhere. You act as a door opener to people and designed the excursions with a lot of love. The tour guides are trained with the teacher training colleges. Regular meetings take place to exchange experiences and strengthen the idea and community.

The project is coordinated by Iras Cotis. The providers organize the excursions independently and independently.

I phoned and suggested a project for Brisgi, where I live in Baden, to work out. Rather no, the offers are sufficient. Website for the offers


Interreligious working group in Switzerland
Pfingstweidstrasse 28
CH-8005 Zurich
+41 43 818 26 90

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